Top 10k strings from Answer Back Factfile 500 Arithmetic - Ages 6-11 (1991)(Kosmos Software).dsk in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [DSK] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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  34 Track-Info
   7 AR5        
   6 AR4        
   5 AR7        
   5 AR6        
   5 AR3        
   5 AR13       
   4 AR9        
   4 AR8        
   4 AR2        
   4 AR15       
   4 AR14       
   3 AR16       
   3 AR11       
   3 4 remainder 1
   3 3 remainder 4
   2 BB         
   2 AR10       
   2 AR1        
   2 8 hundreds
   2 6 remainder 2
   2 5 remainder 3
   2 5 remainder 1
   2 4 remainder 3
   2 3 remainder 2
   1 number:     10, 20, 30, ?, 50
   1 ep but he  sold three. How many did he   have left?
   1 e table of 6's:                                     6, 12, ?, 24, ?
   1 close stream
   1 and 13.27?
   1 `7 and 22p
   1 `18 and 3p
   1 Write the number eight hundredand ninety three in figures.
   1 Which is the largest of the   following numbers:            0.089, 0.0089, 0.79, 0.079?
   1 Which coin has the same value as twenty 1p coins?
   1 What would be the total cost  of 4 tennis rackets if each   one cost `29.65?
   1 What would be the cost of 4kg of apples if apples cost 82p  per kg?
   1 What numbers come next?                                        6, 7, 8, ?, ?.
   1 What numbers come next?                                        11, 12, 13, ?, ?.
   1 What numbers come next?                                        1, 2, 3, ?, ?.
   1 What numbers come next in thissequence?                              25, 50, 75, ?, ?
   1 What number is missing?                                          18 - ? = 13     
   1 What number is missing from   this number sentence?             16 - ? = 11   
   1 What number is 626 less than  662?
   1 What number comes before 9?
   1 What number comes before 20?
   1 What number comes before 15?
   1 What number comes before      5,000?
   1 What must be added to 43 to   make 96?
   1 What is three quarters of     eighty?
   1 What is the total when 912,   27 and 2 are added?
   1 What is the total when 46, 231and 516 are added?
   1 What is the total cost of a   coat at `21.27, a hat at `3.19and a pair of shoes at `17.26?
   1 What is the missing number?     9 + 8 = ? = 8 + 9    
   1 What is the missing number?                                  ? + 9216 + 27 + 124 = 12368  
   1 What is the missing number?                                    5612 + ? + 7819 = 19802 
   1 What is the missing number?                                     ?(4) = 32    
   1 What is the missing number?                                     ? - 38 = 721       
   1 What is the missing number?                                     ? + 767 = 812     
   1 What is the missing number?                                     910 - ? = 473       
   1 What is the missing number?                                     9 x ? = 54   
   1 What is the missing number?                                     5(?) = 30
   1 What is the missing number?                                     310 x ? = 930       
   1 What is the missing number?                                     3, 6, 9, ?
   1 What is the missing number?                                      ?(2) = 18     
   1 What is the missing number?                                      ? x 8 = 48   
   1 What is the missing number?                                      ? x 7 = 28   
   1 What is the missing number?                                      ? x 35 = 245      
   1 What is the missing number?                                      ? + 712 = 936     
   1 What is the missing number?                                      ? + 26 = 49     
   1 What is the missing number?                                      ? + 191 = 821     
   1 What is the missing number?                                      9821 - ? = 1822
   1 What is the missing number?                                      98 - ? = 12    
   1 What is the missing number?                                      9 - ? = 4     
   1 What is the missing number?                                      8 x ? = 24     
   1 What is the missing number?                                      8 + ? = 18    
   1 What is the missing number?                                      6 + ? = 15   
   1 What is the missing number?                                      53 + ? = 87      
   1 What is the missing number?                                      521 - ? = 134      
   1 What is the missing number?                                      38 - ? = 6   
   1 What is the missing number?                                      27 x ? = 594     
   1 What is the missing number?                                      17 - ? = 11    
   1 What is the missing number in this sum?                              36?2 x 22 = 80564 
   1 What is the missing number in this sum?                              1?56 x 13 = 21528   
   1 What is the missing number in this sequence?                   72, 64, 56, ?, 40
   1 What is the missing number in this sequence?                   197, 189, 181, ?, 165
   1 What is the missing number in this sequence:                134, 149, 164, ?, 194
   1 What is the missing number in this sequence:                   17, 39, 61, ?, 105
   1 What is the missing number in this number sequence?           176, 188, ?, 212, 224
   1 What is the missing number in this number sentence?             13? x 3 = 396        
   1 What is the missing number in this number sentence?              2?7 x 3 = 681   
   1 What is the missing number in this number sentence?              1?2 x 5 = 910      
   1 What is the missing number in this number sentence?              17? - 29 = 146     
   1 What is the missing number in the table of 5's?                30, 35, 40, ?, 50
   1 What is the missing number in the table of 2's?                 2, 4, ?, 8, 10
   1 What is the difference between98 and 47?
   1 What is the difference between27 and 13?
   1 What is the difference        between 8 and 4?
   1 What is the difference        between 6 and 5?
   1 What is the difference        between 19 and 8?
   1 What is the difference        between 17 and 5?
   1 What is the difference        between 14 and 3?
   1 What is the correct symbol    (> or <) to complete this     number sentence:                                9 ? 10
   1 What is the correct symbol    (<, > or =) needed to completethis number sentence?         21 + 42 + 16 ? 31 + 15 + 33  
   1 What is the correct symbol    (<, > or =) needed to completethis number sentence:         8 + 2 + 4 + 1 ? 4 + 7 + 3 + 2 
   1 What is the correct symbol    (< or >) to complete this     number sentence?                               25 ? 26
   1 What is the correct symbol    (< or >) to complete this     number sentence?                               18 ? 20
   1 What is the correct symbol    (< or >) to complete this     number sentence:                               20 ? 10
   1 What is the average of the    following numbers:            1876, 1206, 1198 and 1520?
   1 What is the average of the    following numbers:            162, 152, 621, 809 and 201
   1 What is the average of the    following numbers:             53, 61, 33 and 85?
   1 What is half of sixty-eight?
   1 What is half of sixteen?
   1 What is half of 42?
   1 What is half of 14?
   1 What is a third of ninety?
   1 What is a tenth of one        hundred?
   1 What is a quarter of one      hundred?
   1 What is a quarter of 84?
   1 What is a quarter of 12?
   1 What is a quarter of          forty-eight?
   1 What change from `1 would Paulget if he spent 74p?
   1 What change from `1 would I   get if I spent 46p?
   1 What are the next two numbers in the table of 3's?             18, 21, 24, ?, ?.
   1 What are the next numbers in  this sequence:                  65, 70, 75, 80, ?, ?
   1 What are the missing numbers?                                  7 + ? = 14 = ? + 7   
   1 What amount is one penny less than four pounds?
   1 Using the 24-hour clock what  time is 3.38 p.m.?
   1 Using the 24-hour clock what  time is 10.49 p.m.?
   1 Using the 24 hour clock, what time is 9.23 p.m.?
   1 Take eleven away from         seventeen.
   1 Take away half of 96.
   1 Take away half of 84.
   1 Take away half of 48
   1 Take away half of 122.
   1 Take A Chance            
   1 Take 572 away from 701
   1 Subtraction - ThHTU      
   1 Subtraction - TU         
   1 Subtraction - HTU        
   1 Subtract the smaller number   from the larger:                8.989 and 5.617
   1 Subtract the smaller number   from the larger:                 3.056 and 3.821
   1 Subtract the smaller number   from the larger:                              5205 and 5221
   1 Subtract 410 from 521
   1 Subtract 239 from 712.
   1 Six tens plus three units = ?
   1 Simon was born on 6th June,   1967. How old will be be on   his birthday in 2003?
   1 Simon had 9 marbles and won   two more. How many does he nowhave?
   1 Share 72p equally between 9   children.
   1 Share 6 pencils equally       between 2 children. How many  does each child have?
   1 Share 6 cakes equally between 3 children.  How many cakes   does each child have?
   1 Share 30 pennies equally      between 5 children. How many  does each child have?
   1 Share 18 toy soldiers equally between 3 children. How many  does each child have?
   1 Share 16 marbles equally      between 4 children. How many  does each child have?
   1 Share 15 conkers equally      between 5 children. How many  does each child have?
   1 September, June and November  each have 30 days. Which othermonth only has 30 days?
   1 Sarah was born on 12th May,   1979. How old will she be on  her birthday in 1993?
   1 Sally has 1 hamster, 5        goldfish and 3 rabbits. How   many pets does she have       altogether?
   1 Robin started playing the     piano at 4.23 p.m. and        finished at 5.04 p.m. For how long was he playing?
   1 Robert bought 2 computer gamesat `4.62 each and 3 records at`4.99 each. How much did he   spend altogether?
   1 Rebecca bought 4 jigsaws at a total cost of `5.04. How much did each one cost?
   1 Put in the correct symbol     (< or >) in this number       sentence:                                14 ? 13
   1 Pot Luck                 
   1 Place the correct sign (<, >. or =) in this number sentence:   4 + 5 ? 7 + 2
   1 Place the correct sign (<, >, or =) in this number sentence:  17 + 22 ? 34 + 4
   1 Philip had a collection of    227 stamps and his brother had332 stamps. How many did they have altogether?
   1 Philip had 15 model cars but  he lost 4. How many did he    have left?
   1 Philip arrived at school at   8.47a.m. and left at 3.36p.m. For how long was he at school?
   1 Peter has two conkers and     finds three more. How many    does he now have?
   1 Of the following numbers whichis the smallest?              0.03, 0.30 , 0.23 and 0.02
   1 Of the following numbers whichis the smallest:              0.006, 0.060, 0.600 and 0.606
   1 Multiplication - ThHTU   
   1 Multiplication - TU      
   1 Multiplication - HTU     
   1 Michael takes 1hr 15mins to doa paper round each day. How   long does he work in a 6 day  week?
   1 Michael did up 7 buttons in   21 seconds. How long did it   take him to do up each button?
   1 Mandy was born on 6th October,1973 and Julia was born on 6thFebruary, 1978. How much olderthan Julia is Mandy?
   1 Make five 6 times bigger.
   1 Make 5 three times bigger.
   1 Make 3 six times bigger.
   1 Make 3 nine times bigger.
   1 Make 3 five times bigger.
   1 Make 3 eight times bigger.
   1 Lucky Dip                
   1 Jane bought 6 pencils and gave4 to her friends. How many didshe have left?
   1 James had 1732 stamps in his  collection and Stephen had    2023. How many more stamps didStephen have than James?
   1 In the school canteen there   are 16 tables each seating 8  children. How many children   are there altogether?
   1 In the number 482 how much is the 2 worth?
   1 In the number 342 how much is the 4 worth?
   1 In the following sequence findthe missing number:           1786, 1838, 1890 ? 1994
   1 In the following number how   much is the 6 worth: 9862?
   1 In the following list of odd  numbers, one number is even.  Which one?                              15, 17, 18, 19, 21
   1 In the following list of odd  numbers one is even. Which    one?                               1, 3, 5, 6, 9
   1 In the following list of even numbers one number is odd.    Which one?                              2, 4, 6, 8, 9
   1 In the following list of even numbers one number is odd.    Which one?                              12, 13, 14, 16, 18
   1 In a school which had 387     children, 198 were girls. How many boys were there?
   1 If you say the time is 5 to 11how should it be written?
   1 If you say the time is 20 to 2how should it be written?
   1 If rubbers cost 10p, how many could be bought for 50p?
   1 If each box contained 132     apples, what is the total     number of apples contained in 8 boxes?
   1 If bars of chocolate cost 6p  each, how many can be bought  for 54p?
   1 If Robert swam a total of     1100m in a pool 25m long how  many lengths did he swim?
   1 If Ann had 4 oranges and Jane had 6 oranges how many orangesdid they have altogether?
   1 If 9 metres of fabric cost    `18.54 find the cost of 1     metre.
   1 If 6 boxes of eggs cost `2.28 how much would 1 box of eggs  cost?
   1 If 28 is divided into subsets with 7 in each, how many      subsets will there be?
   1 If 25 equally sized apples    weigh 3 kilograms how much    does each apple weigh?
   1 If 15 identical bars of       chocolate cost a total of     `3.90 how much are they each?
   1 I buy a pen which costs 31p, abook which costs 50p and a    rubber which costs 17p. How   much do I spend altogether?
   1 How would 1292p be written as pounds and pence?
   1 How much would 8kg of sugar   cost at 48p per kilogram?
   1 How much would 6 metres of    ribbon cost at 18p per metre?
   1 How much would 4 litres of    milk cost at 38p per litre?
   1 How much is the 9 worth in thenumber 894?
   1 How much is the 8 worth in thenumber: 6,498?
   1 How much is the 8 worth in thenumber 87?
   1 How much is the 7 worth in thenumber 724?
   1 How much is the 7 worth in thenumber 67?
   1 How much is the 7 worth in thefollowing number: 7,625?
   1 How much is the 5 worth in thefollowing number: 8502?
   1 How many weeks are there in   63 days?
   1 How many twos are there in    twenty?
   1 How many twos are there in    fourteen?
   1 How many threes are there in  twenty four?
   1 How many threes are there in  eighteen?
   1 How many threes are there in  12?
   1 How many tens or units is the number 17 worth?
   1 How many tens or units is the 8 worth in the number 18?
   1 How many tens or units is the 2 worth in the number 28?
   1 How many tens or units is the 1 worth in the number 16?
   1 How many tens and units is thenumber 91 worth?
   1 How many tens and units is thenumber 13 worth?
   1 How many tens and units is    the number 26 worth?
   1 How many tens and units are   there in the number 42.
   1 How many sets of six are therein twenty-four?
   1 How many sets of 9 are there  in 54?
   1 How many seconds are there in a minute?
   1 How many pence are there in   half a `1?
   1 How many pence are there in   `15.38?
   1 How many must be added to 151 to make 458?
   1 How many months are there in  9 years?
   1 How many minutes are there in an hour?
   1 How many minutes are there in a quarter of an hour?
   1 How many minutes are there in a day?
   1 How many minutes are there    between 5.40 p.m. and         6.25 p.m.?
   1 How many minutes are there    between 3.05 p.m. and         3.40 p.m.?
   1 How many minutes are there    between 2.15 a.m. and         3.55 a.m.?
   1 How many minutes are there    between 11.00 a.m. and        12.00 noon?
   1 How many minutes are there    between 10.47 and 23.23?
   1 How many minutes are there    between 08.43 Track-Info
   1 How many minutes are there    between 06.13 and 13.21?
   1 How many millilitres are therein a quarter of a litre?
   1 How many millilitres are therein 1 litre?
   1 How many laps would runners ina 2000m race have to complete if a lap is a distance of     400m?
   1 How many hours are there in   8 days?
   1 How many hours are there      between 11 a.m. on Monday and 3 p.m. on Tuesday?
   1 How many grams are there in   3 kilograms?
   1 How many fives are there in   twenty?
   1 How many faces does a square  pyramid have?
   1 How many faces does a cube    have?
   1 How many edges does a square  pyramid have?
   1 How many days are there in a  week?
   1 How many days are there in 7  weeks?
   1 How many corners does a       cylinder have?
   1 How many corners does a       cuboid have?
   1 How many centimetres are therein half a metre?
   1 How many centimetres are therein 8 metres?
   1 How many centimetres are therein 2 metres?
   1 How many 65cm lengths of rope could be cut from a 12.35m    rope?
   1 How many 5p coins have the    same value as one `1 coin?
   1 How many 50cm lengths are     there in 1 metre?
   1 How many 2p coins have the    same value as one 50p coin?
   1 How many 10p coins have the   same value as one `1 coin?
   1 How many 10p coins have the   same value as a `5 note?
   1 How many 10cm lengths are     there in 1 metre?
   1 How is twenty-two written in  numbers?
   1 How is this amount written in numbers: seven pound coins andtwenty two pence?
   1 How is this amount written in figures: eighteen pounds and  three pence?
   1 How is the number seventy fourwritten in figures?
   1 How is sixteen written in     numbers?
   1 How is eleven written in      numbers?
   1 From eighty eight take away   twenty five.
   1 From eighteen take away six.
   1 From 78 subtract 23.
   1 From 72 subtract 31
   1 From 25 subtract 14.
   1 Four children sat at one tableand five children sat at      another. How many children    were there altogether?
   1 Find the total weight of 2    tins of spaghetti each        weighing 440gms and 5 tins of soup each weighing 810gms.
   1 Find the total of two thousandand two, twenty two, two      hundred and twelve.
   1 Find the sum of 527, 81 and   172.
   1 Find the sum of 126, 84 and   96
   1 Find the missing numbers:                                      14, 15, ?, ?, 18
   1 Find the missing number:                                    62?6 - 271 = 5975     
   1 Find the missing number:                                    5218 + 48?2 = 10110
   1 Find the missing number:                                    3?10 - 2999 = 211
   1 Find the missing number:                                    2?98 + 221 = 2919
   1 Find the missing number:                                       513 + ? + 218 = 937     
   1 Find the missing number:                                        ? + 6 = 9      
   1 Find the missing number:                                        4(?) = 36      
   1 Find the missing number:                                        3 - ? = 2      
   1 Find the missing number:                                         ?(8) = 80   
   1 Find the missing number:                                         ? x 6 = 906        
   1 Find the missing number:                                         ? - 15 = 41     
   1 Find the missing number:                                         8 x ? = 64      
   1 Find the missing number:                                         4 + ? = 6          
   1 Find the missing number:                                         3 + ? = 8   
   1 Find the missing number:                                         10(?) = 60     
   1 Find the missing number:                                         1 + ? = 7    
   1 Find the missing number:                                          9 x ? = 180     
   1 Find the missing number:                            
   1 Find the missing number in thefollowing sequence:           258, 539, 820, ?, 1382
   1 Find the missing number in    this number sentence:             475 - 26? = 211    
   1 Find the missing number in    this number sentence:              ? - 26 = 51   
   1 Fill in the table of 4's:                                   16, 20, ?, 28, ?
   1 Fill in the table of 10's:                                  50, 60, ?, 80, ?
   1 Fill in the next two numbers  in the table of 5's:             5, 10, 15, ?, ?.
   1 Fill in the next numbers in   this sequence:                  2, 5, 8, ?, ?
   1 Fill in the missing numbers:    34, 38, ?, ?, 50, 54
   1 Fill in the missing numbers inthe table of 2's:               12, 14, ?, 18, ?.
   1 Fill in the missing numbers inthe table of 2's:                6, 8, ?, ?, 14
   1 Fill in the missing Track-Info
   1 Fill in thTrack-Info
   1 Emily's watch shows the time  is 8.42 a.m. but it is 23     minutes slow. What is the     correct time?        
   1 Division - ThHTU         
   1 Division - TU            
   1 Division - HTU           
   1 Divide 980 by 20
   1 Divide 94 by 2
   1 Divide 87 by 9 to two decimal places
   1 Divide 826 by 8 to two decimalplaces.
   1 Divide 8.125 by 5
   1 Divide 8 by 24 to two decimal places.
   1 Divide 729 by 18
   1 Divide 72 by 8
   1 Divide 71 by 9 to two decimal places.
   1 Divide 532 by 14
   1 Divide 5.95 by 0.05
   1 Divide 468 by 13
   1 Divide 462 by 11
   1 Divide 43 by 8 to two decimal places.
   1 Divide 35 into subsets with   five in each. How many subsetsare there?
   1 Divide 3.5 by 0.07
   1 Divide 2.4 by 0.8
   1 Divide 1178 by 19
   1 Divide 112 by 16
   1 Divide 0.72 by 6
   1 Divide 0.0336 by 0.04
   1 David bought a kite costing   `4.21 and a record costing    `4.12. How much change did he get from `10?
   1 Count back six from seventy   nine
   1 Count back seven from forty   nine.
   1 Count back nine from 443.
   1 Count back 6 from 16
   1 Count back 4 from 9
   1 CPDRead v3.24
   1 By how much is 207 less than  512?
   1 Beginning Subtraction    
   1 Beginning Multiplication 
   1 Beginning Division       
   1 Beginning Addition       
   1 Amy spent `1.68 at the bakers,`4.62 at the grocers and 23p  at the newsagents. How much   did she spend altogether?
   1 All Sorts                
   1 Addition - ThHTU         
   1 Addition - TU            
   1 Addition - HTU           
   1 Add two thousand three hundredand twenty two to five        thousand two hundred and      thirty three.
   1 Add one thousand four hundred and fifty two to three        thousand three hundred and    three.
   1 Add fourteen, forty-four and  four hundred and four.
   1 Add four tens and 9 units
   1 Add eighty-eight, eighteen    and eight hundred and eighty.
   1 Add 2 tens and 4 units
   1 Add 1 ten and 7 units
   1 Add 1 ten and 5 units
   1 Add 1 ten and 2 units
   1 AR20       
   1 AR19       
   1 AR18       
   1 AR17       
   1 AR12       
   1 A woman was born in 1834 and  lived for 62 years. In which  year did she die?
   1 A train leaves at 1.40 p.m.   and travels at a speed of     66km per hour. How far has it travelled by 3.10 p.m.?   
   1 A train leaves London at 6.50 and takes 25 minutes to reach the next station. At what timewill it arrive?
   1 A piece of ribbon 68cm long iscut into 4 pieces of equal    length.  How long is each     piece?
   1 A number has been divided up  into eight sets of eight. Whatwas the original number?
   1 A jumbo bag containing 9      packets of crisps weighs 225g.How much does each packet     weigh?
   1 A jug holds half a litre of   orange drink. How many 100ml  beakers could be filled from  it?
   1 A film at the cinema started  at 2.30 p.m. and lasted       1 hour and 39 minutes. At whattime did it finish?
   1 A farmer had 3431 sheep but   then sold 239. How many did hehave left?
   1 A farmer had 18 sheTrack-Info
   1 A boat took 96 hours to cross the Atlantic. How many days   did it take?
   1 A bag of sweets containing 56 sweets was shared equally     between 7 children. How many  sweets did each child have?
   1 95 and 100
   1 90 tens and 1 unit
   1 9 tens and 1 unit
   1 9 remainder 4
   1 9 hundreds
   1 8 thousands
   1 8 take away 2 leaves ?
   1 8 remainder 8
   1 8 remainder 4
   1 8 remainder 3
   1 7hrs 30mins
   1 7hrs 15mins
   1 7 thousand
   1 7 tens and 1 unit
   1 7 remainder 6
   1 7 remainder 1
   1 7 hundreds
   1 6hrs 45mins
   1 6hrs 15mins
   1 62 is less than 88 - by how   many?
   1 60 and 100
   1 6 x 8 = 48
   1 6 x 7 = 42
   1 6 x 6 = 36
   1 6 x 3 = 18
   1 6 thousands
   1 6 tens and 2 units
   1 6 remainder 5
   1 6 remainder 3
   1 6 remainder 1
   1 6 hundreds
   1 6 hours 49 minutes
   1 6 hours 32 minutes
   1 50p + 14p + 3p + 1p = ?p 
   1 5 years and 8 months
   1 5 years and 6 months
   1 5 years and 4 months
   1 5 x 8 = 40
   1 5 x 7 = 35
   1 5 x 6 = 30
   1 5 x 5 = 25
   1 5 thousands
   1 5 take away 2 leaves ?
   1 5 remainder 4
   1 5 remainder 2
   1 5 hundreds
   1 5 hours 57 minutes
   1 5 hours 43 minutes
   1 48 months is how many years?
   1 47 minutes
   1 43 nails are needed to make a guinea pig's cage. How many   nails would be needed to make 14 cages?
   1 41 minutes
   1 40 tens and 2 units
   1 4 years and 4 months
   1 4 x 5 = 20
   1 4 x 4 = 16
   1 4 x 3 = 12
   1 4 tens and 2 units
   1 4 remainder 4
   1 4 hundreds
   1 3Track-Info
   1 39 minutes
   1 33 minutes
   1 3 tens and 1 unit
   1 3 remainder 5
   1 3 remainder 1
   1 28 is less than 49 by how     many?
   1 27 divided by 6 = ? r?
   1 25 divided by 5 equals ? 
   1 21(56 + 47 - 53) + 31 = ?
   1 20 tens and 4 units
   1 2.00 litres
   1 2 tens and 6 units
   1 2 tens and 4 units
   1 2 remainder 4
   1 2 remainder 3
   1 2 hundreds
   1 19 divided by 5                       = ? remainder ?
   1 17 divided by 3 equals               ? remainder ?
   1 16 divided by 2 equals ?   
   1 15 divided by 5 equals ?  
   1 13 divided by 5 equals              ? remainder ?
   1 11 take away 1 leaves ?
   1 11 bottles of equal size hold a total of 19.25 litres of    orange squash. How much does  each one hold?
   1 105 plus 203 plus 302 gives   what total?
   1 10 tens and 7 units
   1 10 divided by 2 equals ? 
   1 1.75 litres
   1 1.50 litres
   1 1 ten and 9 units
   1 1 ten and 7 units
   1 1 ten and 3 units
   1 1 ten and 17 units
   1  Track-Info
   1                              5641 - 4826 = ?
   1                               `9991.45 - `4269.86 = ?
   1                               `6.79 + `2.15 = ?
   1                               `301.62 - `198.01 = ?
   1                               `29.62 - `1.26 = ?
   1                               `26.13 + `13.62 = ?
   1                               `236.87 - `167.21 = ?
   1                               `142.87 - `99.13 = ?
   1                               Take 101 away from 206
   1                               Make 10 seven times bigger.
   1                               Divide 93 by 5 to two decimal places.
   1                               Divide 90 by 10 
   1                               Divide 83 by 9 to two decimal places.
   1                               Divide 59 by 6 to two decimal places.
   1                               Divide 37 by 4 to two decimal places.
   1                               Divide 36 by 3
   1                               Divide 30 by 6
   1                               Divide 3 by 6 to two decimal  places.
   1                               Divide 12 by 4
   1                               9821 - 6718 = ?
   1                               97 x 8 = ?
   1                               9210 + 3180 + 1240 + 801 = ?
   1                               9121 - 8789 = ?
   1                               9.102 + 0.222 + 1.1 = ?
   1                               9 take away 2 leaves ?
   1                               9 divided by 3 equals ?
   1                               87 + 98 + 76 = ?
   1                               851 x 24 = ?
   1                               84 x 52 = ?
   1                               84 divided by 10 = ? r?
   1                               812 x 0.6 = ?
   1                               812 - 679 = ?                 
   1                               8001 + 2001 + 3100 = ?
   1                               80 x 7 = ?
   1                               8(88) = ?
   1                               8 divided by 2 equals ?
   1                               798 - 666 = ?
   1                               79 x 8 = ?
   1                               732 - 349 = ?
   1                               71 + 3 + 1 + 14 = ?
   1                               7.4 x 2.6 = ?
   1                               682 x 81 = ?
   1                               67 + 162 + 143 = ?
   1                               624 + 108 = ?
   1                               6231 - 3106 = ?
   1                               62 + 4 + 11 = ?
   1                               6192 - 1101 = ?
   1                               615 x 15 = ?
   1                               6102 + 7826 + 1671 = ?
   1                               60 + 6 = ?
   1                               6.32 x 4.02 = ?
   1                               6.23 + 1.87 + 0.003 = ?
   1                               6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6       = ? x ? = ?
   1                               6 + 0.6 + 0.06 + 6.06 = ?
   1                               5712 + 2163 + 161 + 98 = ?
   1                               54 divided by 6 = ?
   1                               526g + 928g + 123g + 8g = ?kg
   1                               521 x 6 = ?
   1                               52.16 - 27.91 = ?
   1                               5.2 x 6 = ?
   1                               5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5             = ? x ? = ?
   1                               48 divided by 6 = ?
   1                               4602 + 2346 + 3102 = ?
   1                               44 divided by 4 = ?
   1                               426 + 214 = ?
   1                               4.721 - 2.006 = ?
   1                               4.691 + 0.901 + 5 = ?
   1                               4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = ? x ? = ?
   1                               39 divided by 6 = ? r?
   1                               363 + 63 + 6363 + 3 = ?
   1                               345 + 123 + 234 = ?
   1                               321 x 3 = ?
   1                               32 divided by 8 = ?
   1                               31 x 7 = ?
   1                               3.7 - 0.029 = ?
   1                               29 divided by 4 equals              ? remainder ?
   1                               28 divided by 5 = ? r?
   1                               26.8m - 23.9m = ?
   1                               2592 + 3192 + ? = 8006
   1                               25 divided by 5 equals ?
   1                               24.012 - 20.197 = ?
   1                               224 x 4 = ?
   1                               21 divided by 3 equals ?
   1                               20g + 30g + 15g = ?
   1                               2 divided by 2 equals ?
   1                               189 x 98 = ?
   1                               1876 + 812 + 267 = ?
   1                               17.12m - 12.36m = ?
   1                               1612 + 327 + 109 = ?
   1                               16 divided by 2 equals ?
   1                               13cm + 6cm = ?cm
   1                               13 + 41 + 23 + 2 = ?
   1                               127g + 54g + 193g = ?
   1                               124 - 99 = ?
   1                               122 x 8 = ?
   1                               121 + 444 = ?
   1                               1010 x 23 = ?
   1                               101 x 9 = ?
   1                               10003 + 11982 + 1694 = ?
   1                               10 + 7 = ?
   1                               1.15 x 10.2 = ?
   1                               0.091 - 0.009 = ?
   1                               0.086 x 0.8 = ?
   1                               0.076 x 7 = ?
   1                               0.062 x 0.7 = ?
   1                               0.0016 + 0.0827 + 0.916 = ?
   1                                 73p + 4p + 11p = ?p
   1                                 60.623 + 3.107 + 5.92 = ?      
   1                                  8 x 2 = ?
   1                                  18p + 11p = ?p
   1                                  18 + 1 = ?
   1                                  11cm - 6cm = ?cm
   1                                   9 x 5 = ?
   1                                   9 x 3 = ?
   1                                   9 x 2 = ?
   1                                   9 - 3 = ?
   1                                   8 + 6 = ?
   1                                   7 x 3 = ?
   1                                   7 - 4 = ?
   1                                   66 - 42 = ?
   1                                   6 x 2 = ?
   1                                   6 - ? = 0
   1                                   5 x 5 = ?
   1                                   4 x 5 = ?
   1                                   4 x 4 = 8 x ?
   1                                   4 x 3 = ?
   1                                   4 x 2 = ?
   1                                   3 x 3 = ?
   1                                   3 x 2 = ?
   1                                   2 x 5 = ?
   1                                   2 x 3 = ?
   1                                    ? = 27 - 13
   1                                    9 x 10 = ?
   1                                    9 + 4 = ?
   1                                    9 + 0 = ?
   1                                    84 - 63 = ?
   1                                    78 + 21 = ?
   1                                    6 x 9 = ?
   1                                    6 x 6 = ?
   1                                    5 x 8 = ?
   1                                    5 + 11 = ?
   1                                    4 + 7 = ?
   1                                    37 - 26 = ?
   1                                    37 + 21 = ?
   1                                    3 x 6 = ?
   1                                    19 - 6 = ?
   1                                    18 - 10 = ?
   1                                    15 - 1 = ?
   1                                    14 - 3 = ?
   1                                    14 + 2 = ?